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So what exactly is Reiki Energy Healing you may ask. If it feels a little ‘out there’ or mysterious, you’re not alone! I often have clients who are curious but unsure about what to expect, so I thought I’d share a bit about what happens in a typical session and why this gentle yet powerful therapy can be so beneficial.
I work with women who are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just a little out of balance. We often start by chatting about what’s been going on in their lives and what they’d like to achieve from our sessions together. I offer a calming, safe space in my purpose-built garden studio where you can truly relax and let go.
When you come for a Reiki or Energy Healing session, you’ll lie down on a massage table, and if you wish, I can wrap you up in a cosy blanket to help you feel warm and secure. I gently place my hands either on or just above your body, focusing on key areas like the joints, which are often where we hold tension.
Many people know that our brains give off electromagnetic signals, but did you know that the heart has an electromagnetic field too – and it’s much stronger? This helps explain how we can often sense another person’s feelings and why emotions can feel ‘contagious.’
The HeartMath Institute has done some fascinating research into something called entrainment. This happens when one person’s electromagnetic field influences another’s, causing their energy to sync up. That’s the core of what happens during a Reiki session. During your treatment, I’ll focus on holding a specific, positive energy – usually relaxation and appreciation – and offer this to you so that your body can share in this energy.
Relaxation is essential for our health. Our bodies need a healthy balance between activity and rest to function at their best. When this balance gets disrupted, it can lead to illness or what we often call ‘dis-ease’. Fortunately, the body has an incredible ability to heal itself. Each of our cells has a blueprint, knowing exactly how to repair itself when we’re cut, bruised, or broken.
However, when we’re stressed, the body moves into a fight-or-flight mode, also known as the Sympathetic Nervous System. In this state, our bodies produce stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which are great in a life-or-death situation but not helpful for daily life. These hormones shift our focus away from healing and balance, leaving us in a constant state of tension.
Energy healing helps your body enter a more peaceful state known as the Parasympathetic Nervous System, which supports relaxation, digestion, and repair. During Reiki, your body has the opportunity to shift into this state, allowing it to refocus its energies on healing and wellbeing.
One of the things I love about this therapy is that it’s natural, non-invasive, and has no negative side effects. It can complement other therapies or stand alone, depending on what you need. Some of the many benefits of Reiki Energy Healing include:
Reiki Healing Arts. What is Reiki?